Did you know May is Sexual Assault Awareness Month? This month also holds Mental Health Week, Mother’s Day, Victims & Survivors of Crime Week, and many more important dates. What binds all these together is the underlying belief that people have value – and deserve kindness, dignity, and wellbeing.
We are seeking your compassion for local child victims of abuse and crime. In struggling to meet the demand for our services, we need to raise $35,000 this spring. You can help get kids off our waitlist for a brighter future!
27% of Canadians report having experienced physical or sexual abuse by the age of 14. And it is undeniable this terrible problem (including online abuse) is prevalent ‘in our own backyard’. In our past fiscal year (ending March 31) alone, we supported 1,006 young clients. 318 had to spend at least some time on our waitlist. And some of those never received support at all.
Without help, victimized children and youth are far more likely to have problems both now and later in life. This can include mental health issues, unhealthy relationships, substance abuse – and the list goes on. But the good news is our support during the criminal justice system can stop the cycle of pain and dramatically improve their trajectory for positive outcomes.
We hope you will join us at our Open House at the Child and Youth Advocacy Centre on Tuesday, May 14. This is a rare opportunity to explore where our front-line professionals provide comfort and guidance to children and youth, and their caregivers, during criminal investigations. After charges are laid, we continue offering vital support to survivors throughout the court process.
This recent client quote speaks to our team’s impact, made possible by generous people like you!
“(You do) a great job helping people when they are going through hard times, are unsure of next steps, and need someone to hear them. Thank you for everything. It really meant a lot to my family having you behind us!”
This spring, children and families ‘close to home’ are depending on your help. Young people who have experienced trauma, now facing intense situations, need support immediately. Thank you for giving generously.
Giving options include: on our website, by phone (519-744-0904) with your credit card, or by mailing a cheque payable to Child Witness Centre to our office: 111 Duke Street East, Kitchener, ON N2H 1A4.