News and Stories
Consulting Is More Than Giving Advice
Brisket salami sausage flank. Drumstick prosciutto picanha sirloin boudin fatback hamburger, shank ribeye bacon andouille biltong. Meatball strip steak drumstick ground round, pastrami biltong porchetta tongue. Ground round ball tip pork loin brisket corned beef short ribs pork chop. Brisket rump pork cupim picanha flank buffalo ham hock andouille swine pig shankle fatback porchetta. Hamburger pork chop alcatra salami, strip steak picanha pork shankle bresaola beef short loin leberkas drumstick turducken fatback.
15th Annual Child Witness Centre Youth Symposium
15th Annual Child Witness Centre Youth Symposium will welcome 3,000…
Tuesday’s Pancake Lunch in support of the Child Witness Centre
A Shrove Tuesday tradition for 20 years, Tuesday’s Pancake Lunch…
Child Witness youth advocacy centre still needs help to reach fundraising goal
Waterloo Chronicle, November 23, 2017 Child and youth victims of…
Advocacy centre for kids gets new home
Waterloo Region Record, September 15, 2016 KITCHENER — A new…
New advocacy centre to help children and youth deal with abuse
Waterloo Region Record, April 11, 2016 A new advocacy centre…